

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Honeymoon and Buzz Saw

I am still in the "honeymoon" period: I stay awake at night thinking/planning/rushing through ideas. At 4 in the morning you can have the most sensational ideas--ones that no one has ever thought up before. At 7 in the morning you realize how dumb that idea was!

At the same time, I am doing tons of research on this business method and feel a bit like I just ran into a buzz saw. There are so many parts that it is difficult to imagine how to put it all together into a coherent whole. My thought is to learn as I go and "just start"--this blog is a part of that.

One useful piece of information I did glean today is that there is little point in going with Google Adsense until your site gets at least 500 to 1000 visitors a day. (or was it week?) Anyhow, we can put that up on the shelf for now.

I downloaded the power point presentations of Mike Filsaime and have begun to work through them. They hit just the highlights of his seminars but perhaps there is a nugget or two there. I am also staring at one of those ad pages by Matthew Meyer. It's really slick and he's offering a slew of e-books and, more importantly, software that purports to help you get up and running in a jiff. He wants $67.00 and offers an 8 week money back guarantee. I probably will get it and let you know what I think. Before I pay up, however, I am going to print out his Ad page with all pertinent information so I can get my money back as well as putting the cut-off date on my calendar--which I have to remember to begin looking at daily!

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